Homemade Cleaner That Works

Cleaning your home with a homemade cleaner that works is essential. Cleanliness is very paramount particularly or most especially in this era of the Covid 19 pandemic.

This means that every room in your home and your household gadgets must be kept clean and germs-free.

However, to achieve this you need the perfect cleaning product. But if your preferred cleaning product is currently unavailable, then worry not and be very happy because we will be helping you save some cash by giving you tips on how to make a homemade cleaner that works.

Hands-on deck, let’s get to work. You might be needing those items neglected in your pantry such as vinegar, scouring powder, baking soda, and others. Hey! Go get them out.

Sometimes these readily available household products could do marvels when compared to most of your favorite cleaning solutions.

So, if you can make out a wide range of homemade cleaners that works from what you have in your pantry without spending a dime in the grocery store why waste a penny?

These DIY homemade cleaners have been looked into and the best and least harmful ingredients used in making them have also been selected.

Before you start making your homemade cleaners, make sure the products you want to use are combinable, some products will create harmful events when combined with others. Meanwhile, these homemade cleaners listed in this article are not only useful for home cleaning as disinfectants, cleaning agents, or antiseptics and deodorizers they also are mild, gentle, and safe to use.

Check out the list of homemade cleaner that works and follow the step-by-step guide below to make yours at home.

7 Homemade Cleaner That Works

1. Homemade Bathroom Cleaner

The bathroom should be taken care of daily like the bedroom. Yes, it needs utmost attention to rid it of disease-causing germs.

To prepare this homemade cleaner, what do you need?

  • One and a half cups of baking soda
  • Half a cup of liquid detergent
  • Half a cup of warm water
  • Two teaspoons of white vinegar

Put them all together in a jar and your homemade bathroom cleaner is ready to use. Clean with a sponge on your bathroom tiles, bathtub, and shower.

If you need it to be quite harsh to remove accumulated grout add a bit of lemon juice to the solution.

2. Glass cleaners

The glass includes windows, a windscreen, and your car side mirror. What do you need to keep them clean? Cornstarch is the way out. So let’s get to work

  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 4 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • 1 cup of rubbing alcohol (70% concentration)

In a bowl mix them all thoroughly with a whisk, after that pour them into a spray bottle. And your homemade glass cleaner is ready for use. Just spray on your glasses and wipe them with a clean cloth.

3. Toilet water closet cleaner

A clean toilet bowl promises you infection-free. To achieve this, you will be needing this cleaner. Ok, let’s dive in
One cup of baking soda

  • 15 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 15 drops of orange essential oil

Mix and allow to sit for 30 minutes and it is ready to use. Just sprinkle around inside the toilet bowl, scrub with a brush then flush.

4. Air freshener

homemade cleaner that works

Nobody is ever a fan of foul smell. If it’s a 100% yes for you then you sure need to add a good smell and freshness to your home with a homemade air freshener that works.

What do you need?

  • One cup of hot water
  • A bunch of chopped sage leaves
  • One cup of distilled white vinegar
  • A quarter teaspoon of salt

Put them all into a spray bottle and allow them to sit for 12 hours, then it is ready to use.

Want to know more homemade cleaners that work? Check out these posts on home cleaning

5. Kitchen cleaner and deodorizer

homemade cleaner that works

The kitchen should and must be kept clean. It should also smell good. A clean and tidy kitchen and dining area improve appetite.

What you will need?

  • Four tablespoons of baking soda
  • A quarter cup of warm water

This homemade kitchen cleaner can be used for cleaning kitchen counters, racks, freezers, and appliances. It can also be used as a deodorizer for your sinks and kitchen washbasin.

For your disposal basket in the kitchen, use this mixture or rather use the baking soda directly to help reduce foul smell.

It can also be used to shine and remove soot from stainless steel equipment in the kitchen like the sink. Make a paste of the baking soda, apply it on this equipment with a damp cloth scrub thoroughly then rinse and allow to dry.

Baking soda for me is multipurpose, it should be readily available in our homes.

6. Homemade Grease Cleaner

homemade cleaner that works

If you are bothered about how to take care of your greased oven, gas cooker tops, grill racks, and stove hood. Stop here we’ve got you covered.

  • What will you be needing?
  • Half cup of sudsy Ammonia
  • One gallon of water

Mix ammonia into the gallon of water. Note that, Susdy ammonia contains an ingredient that serves as a detergent that helps remove tough soot.

Disengage those parts of your gadgets that are particularly greased and soak in the mixture for some time, then wash and leave to dry.

But if you cannot disengage them, just soak your sponge in water and scrub greased equipment, then dry up with a clean cloth.

7. Cloth Stain Remover

homemade cleaner that works

Washing an oil-stained white fabric can be tough. Especially when it’s your kid’s clothes. Anyways there is a way out now.

What will you need?

  • One gallon of hot water
  • One cup of powdered detergent
  • One cup of a regular or diluted chlorine bleach

Mix all into any container except an aluminum-made container. In a bowl, soak the fabric for 20 – 30 minutes. You may sit your fabrics for a longer time if they are badly stained. Then wash and rinse in water.

Final words,
A clean home gives you a welcoming aura, improves your state of mind, and also refines your peace.

We hope we have helped you achieve all of these by showing you how to make a homemade cleaner that works. If you can achieve all these by going through this article, you have earned quality at a cheap rate. Utilize this opportunity.

If you know of any other safe homemade cleaner that works we missed out on, then kindly let us know in the comment section below.