designing a home office

Working remotely became very common following the covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown. Many people now realize they can do most of their work from home. However, to maintain productivity, we need a space similar to an office which begs the need for designing a home office.

This is important because working just anywhere within the house will expose you to many distractions. It is worse when there are other people you share your home with. Hence, you need to cut down the distraction by marking out your work-only space.

While designing an office in your home might sound like a big deal, it is not as daunting as you think. With the right tips as the ones we have shared in this article, you can set up your office space like a pro in no time.

9 Easy Tips for Designing a Home Office

Simple, spacious and comfortable. You should keep these three words in mind when setting up your home office.

Also, while some people may have an entire room that they can convert into their office, others may have to manage a little space within a room. Whatever the case, these tips will inspire you on how best to manage what you have.

1. Consider the Area With the Most Space

Space is an important factor to consider when you want to design an office in your home. So, check for the rooms with the most space or any spacious area in the home that is not in use.

You want all your office gadgets and furniture to fit in well and still leave room for easy movement. Although the size of your home office might not come close to that of an actual office, it should be as spacious as possible.

2. Choose an Area With the Least Distraction

While choosing the area with the most space for designing a home office, you should also consider areas with the least distraction. You want to be able to focus on work as you would in a proper office space without unnecessary distractions.

The aim of setting up the space is to be as productive as you would be working from an office. Hence, if that goal is not attained, the whole design is a waste of time.

Therefore, avoid rooms with high traffic or any form of visual distraction. Also, you should not stay in an area prone to much noise.

3. Use a Half-Wall Demarcation

designing a home office with a half wall demarcation

If you are setting up your office inside a room that is already in use in your home, you should make a demarcation. For instance, if you are using an area within the sitting room or your bedroom, you should separate your office from the main room.

This helps you not to think of your workspace as part of the room, but as a defined space for working. Hence, improving your level of concentration. It also shields you from certain distractions.

4. Be Intentional About Your Décor

Use decorations that increase warmth and are less distracting. Abstract arts, plants and flowers are great for designing a home office. Also, you can use an area rug to touch up the floor and add to the beauty of your space.

You can go for only one form of decoration or you can combine them as you, please. Whatever you decide, keep it simple.

Learn new ways to organize your home better in the articles below.

5. Pay Attention To Lighting

designing a home office with light

The importance of good lighting in a work area cannot be over-emphasized. To stay active for a long time, you need an abundance of light. So, if the area where you set up your office does not have an abundance of natural light, you need to use artificial ones.

Use as much light as you need to brighten up the space. Low-hanging lights and table lamps are not only good light sources, but also articles of decoration.

6. Ventilation Is Important When Designing a Home Office

The abundance of fresh air allows you to feel relaxed while working and the lack of it can cause discomfort. If you can, ensure that you choose a spot close to the window when designing a home office.

In fact, the window position gives you both adequate light and ventilation. However, if you cannot stay by the window, artificial sources can suffice as with light.

7. Go for a Comfortable Chair and Desk

designing a home office with comfortable furniture

You do not want to compromise on this as it affects your productivity. Also, if your chair and desk cause you to sit in a poor posture, your neck and back will pay the price.

Therefore, no matter the style of furniture you want to go for, choose a chair that will allow you to maintain a good posture and a desk wide enough to contain all your work files.

8. Make Room for Other People

It is true that working from home may not require you to accommodate your colleagues. However, you may have to accommodate other people in your home who work remotely as well. since you cannot turn every room in the house into an office space, it is important to consider others when designing a home office.

Organize your space so that no one gets in the way of another while working. Also, if your job is one that requires your clients to come around, you should plan for them too.

9. Maintain a Clutter-Free Space

designing a home office by decluttering

Clutter is never good, especially for the office. Yet, we easily get carried away with bringing in things and not keeping them properly that everywhere becomes a mess before we know it.

One of the reasons why a space gets cluttered is due to a lack of proper planning and arrangement. Build enough shelves and drawers to hold your books, stationery and all work material. Also, keep the things you use often handy so that you do not have to look for them all the time.

Another thing that makes the home office look cluttered is technology, particularly cords from your different devices. You can use wireless devices to help you put this under control. However, if you already have devices with cords, try taming the cords to keep your space neat and decluttered.


Working from home has great advantages. However, if you do not plan well, you may end up producing lesser results than you would in an office space. This is why designing a home office is of great importance.

Good thing we have provided the tips you need to speed up your design process. So, you do not need to pay extra cash for professional designers. Get started with setting up your office and enjoy a more comfortable working space.

If you found these tips on how to design a home office helpful, kindly let us know in the comment section below.