Benefits To Drinking water in the morning

What are the benefits of drinking water in the morning? Or are there benefits to drinking water at a particular time? These are some of the questions many people ask because they want to maximize the help of this vital element.

Water is an essential element which means that your body cannot produce the sufficient amount you need. Hence, you need to take enough to maintain the 60% composition in the body. 

While it is important to stay hydrated, the benefits of water are not tied to any particular time. Drinking water in the morning is good, but so is drinking it in the afternoon and at any other time

Is Drinking Water In The Morning Necessary?

The good thing about drinking water first thing in the morning is that you are drinking water after all. Although it is not a necessity, drinking water in the morning is a good way to start your day.

As per its contribution to hydration and your general body health, everything you have heard might just be individual claims and exaggeration.  Drinking water early in the morning has no scientifically backed-up benefits outside of the general benefits of drinking water.

Furthermore, the water you take in the morning is only part of your water intake for the whole day. So, it is important to drink enough water during the rest hours of the day even after drinking water in the morning. The benefits are the same as the benefits of drinking water in the morning.

Proper hydration and improved health come from drinking enough water throughout the day. Also, not drinking water first thing in the morning does not translate to an unhealthy lifestyle. Provided you drink enough water throughout the day, there are no consequences whether or not you take it first thing in the morning

Common Benefits To Drinking Water In The Morning

There are some minor benefits of taking water first thing in the morning. However, most of the health benefits to drinking water in the morning are the same as that of drinking water at any other time of the day.

Here are six reasons why you should drink enough water in the morning and at every other time of the day.

1. Keeps You Refreshed

Benefits of drinking water

During the long hours of the night, your body loses water without any means of replenishing it. So when you wake up in the morning feeling groggy, a glass of water may be all you need to make you active.

Aside from serving as a mood booster, water is also good for fixing early morning dry mouth.

2. Helps You to Stay Hydrated

Benefits Of Drinking Waterf

The early morning thirst you experience when you wake up is a sign that your body is dehydrated. Like at any hour of the day, drinking water at this time will help to replenish lost water and keep you hydrated.

It is important to note that clear urine is not proof that you are hydrated as some people think. They see this as part of the benefits to drinking water in the morning. Although drinking water in the morning might cause your urine to be clear, it does not reflect your hydration level.

3. Improves Your Metabolism

Benefits of drinking water in the morning

Drinking water has been linked to increased metabolism. Your body’s metabolism increases by about 30% for an hour after you drink water. This is called cold-activated metabolism.

Although it can also happen when you take water in the morning, cold-activated metabolism is not limited to only the early hours of the day.

For More Contents On Health, Check Out The Post Below.

4. Reduces Hunger Pangs

Benefits To  dinking water in the morning

Although not necessarily a health benefit, drinking water on an empty stomach reduces hunger sensation. If you are like me and are unable to eat in the morning, drinking water can help reduce hunger pangs until you are able to eat breakfast.

5. Improves Brain Function

Benefits to drinking water in the morning

When you are dehydrated, you may experience headaches and mental fog. This is a clear indication that your body needs water for proper mental performance. Hence drinking water in the morning if you feel dehydrated can improve your mental function.

This is why it is among the common benefits to drinking water in the morning.

6. Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair

Lady with a healthy skin and hair

Many people believe that drinking water in the morning can improve skin colour and reduce wrinkles. However, research only supports the fact that water can help hydrate the skin.

There is no evidence as to its contribution to improved skin tone and reduced wrinkles. Similarly, there is a claim that water stimulates the nerve ending on the scalp and increases hair growth. To the best of our knowledge, there is no scientific proof of this. Nonetheless, water is important for a healthy body and hair may not be excluded.


There are benefits to drinking water in the morning, but there are no dire consequences for not doing so. Some people, believe starting the day is like breaking a fast, and taking water is the best way to do that.

While this is a sound argument, the many benefits people claim are associated with drinking water in the morning can equally be gotten from drinking water at any other time of the day.