7 Ways to Overcome Depression

Depressed senior man. (Photo by: BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Mood swings, feeling down, sad, and uninterested in things you normally do on a daily basis is part of life but when it persists and you can’t get your normal feelings back, it may be called depression. This article is all about how you can overcome depression.

What is Depression?

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity. It can affect a person’s thoughts, behavior, motivation, feelings, and sense of well-being. It may feature sadness, difficulty in thinking and concentration, and a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping.

People experiencing depression may have feelings of dejection, hopelessness, and sometimes, suicidal thoughts. It can either be short-term or long-term. Negative life events such as heartbreak, loss of a loved one or job, and lack of advancement in career or life can lead to depression.

What are the Symptoms of Depression?

The symptoms of depression can include:

  • Depressed Mood
  • Sleeping too much or lack of sleep
  • Lack of sexual desires
  • Irritable mood
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Low concentration
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Lack of energy or fatigue
  • change in interest
  • Feeling low and worthless

Now that you know the symptoms of depression, how do you overcome it? We at Great homemaking have listed out ways we think you can overcome depression. Meanwhile, some people’s cases can be so severe that they will require medical help for them to come out of depression. This list is not a substitute for medical assistance if your case is severe.

1. Seek Medical Help

If there is an underlying medical condition responsible for your depression or your case is severe. It is better to seek professional help from a doctor. A doctor may prescribe antidepressant pills. It is important to take the medications as prescribed by the doctor, while some may take time to impact, it is penitent to continue usage until you are told to stop.

2. Support Group or Psychotherapy

Getting family help with depression is a great place to start. Talk openly with people close to you, family members, friends, and co-workers.

Also, you can find support for depression through religious organizations in your community, whether from the pastor, Imam, or other religious leaders, small groups, or caring individuals within the organizations.

Psychological treatments can also help you change your thinking patterns and improve your coping skills so you’re better equipped to deal with life’s stresses and conflicts. As well as supporting your recovery from depression, psychological therapies can also help you stay well by identifying and changing unhelpful thoughts and behavior.

3. Exercise

The last thing that will be on your mind when you are depressed is exercise but it is proven that physical benefits gained from exercise can help improve mood and reduce depression.

Exercise releases feel-good endorphins which enhance the sense of well-being. It also helps you to remove your mind from negative things.

Doing 30 minutes or more of exercise a day for three to five days a week may significantly improve depression or anxiety symptoms. It may take less time exercising to improve your mood If you do more-vigorous activities, such as running or bicycling.

The mental health benefits of exercise and physical activity may last only if you stick with it over the long term, another good reason to focus on finding activities that you enjoy.

4. Stop Negative Self Talk

Depressed people always think down on themselves. They sometimes blame themselves for what they are going through. Whenever you are doubting yourself and feeling worthless, always remember that it’s depression acting on your mind, not your real thought. Never take those thoughts seriously and believe they will pass in no time.

5. Play some music

Music has been used to heal the body and soul and to express what is difficult to articulate in words.  Listening and creating music within a therapeutic context allows individuals to express themselves in nonverbal ways. The interplay of melody, harmony, and rhythm stimulates the senses of a person and promote calmness by slowing down the breath, heart rate, and other bodily functions.

An upbeat tune can change an atmosphere instantly and create a more positive vibe. Listening to upbeat, happy music alters brain chemistry and can improve your mood.

6. Link up with Friends

When you are depressed, you want to isolate yourself and be alone. It’s very hard to want to associate with friends at that low point in your life. Try and go outside, have fresh air, and hang out with friends, the effect of it is much more rewarding than secluding yourself.

7. Work on your Goals

Setting up short-term and long-term goals and also working towards achieving them is one way to beat depression. The feeling of hope and a better tomorrow can put a smile on your face and erode any negative feelings you might be having.

Your depression can be a result of not being where you are supposed to be at a point in your life. Working towards becoming a better form of yourself and knowing that in the future, you’re going to reap the fruits of your efforts can help you overcome depression.

The latest figures released by the World Health Organization (WHO), show that Nigeria has 7,079,815 sufferers of depression. That is 3.9 percent of the nation’s population. There are chances you might suffer depression in your lifetime. Self-help may seem solid for mild cases or as complementary to professional treatments, however getting professional advice and treatment should be sought to rule out the likelihood of more severe situations or to prevent them.