How to decorate coffee table

Your taste in décor should be unique as an individual, especially in how to decorate a coffee table. Since the coffee table is the spotlight of the living room and you sure don’t want it to be roughly arranged.

The arrangement of a coffee table may seem simple until you are asked to get it done. I can tell you, it could be a herculean task.

Undoubtedly, the coffee table is the centrepiece of a modern living room which should be simple, classy and uniquely set up to give the living room the aesthetics it deserves.

Importantly, the positioning and style of the coffee table are paramount since this attribute gives your room a perfect look. However, let’s look at these tips for decorating your coffee table to suit everyone’s style and taste.

Tips To Decorate A Coffee Table

The coffee table décor can be cosy, and uncluttered in other to feel well for your daily living. Remember to leave it a bit spacious for other things like drinks or a cup of coffee.

1. Decide A Theme

How to decorate coffee table

What do you want your living room to represent? This should be your first step to deciding what exactly you want and what the aesthetics of your living room and coffee table should look like. The theme of your coffee table is your choice from the numerous types of coffee tables. Also, this will help in picking the right items that coincide with your theme.

2. Use Of Trays

Trays on coffee tables

As said earlier, a Coffee table gives your living room a harmonious tie. Choose rightly. A tray on the coffee table carrying other little accessories is ideal. This helps you reduce clutter and also keep safe some important stuff like your keys, stack of books, and memos for daily schedules. Apart from its basic function of clutter, the trays type and style should accompany the design of the coffee table.

3. Introduce A Statement Piece

How to decorate coffee table

We all have a décor style and for me, I love an artistic décor. So, if it was my living room, it would be art for a statement piece. What will be yours? Well, a statement piece is a decorative object which sits as the focal point of the coffee table. This item should be a bit larger than every other item on the table but should not block the view of the décor. Hence, anyone sitting in any corner of the living room should be able to view the entire table without obstruction. This statement piece could be a raffia vase, ceramic jug or even a plant pot. This is to give the table a lush look.

Check Out These Contents On Information On Home Decor.

4. Bring in Smaller Décor Item

In getting all done, have in mind that there is beauty in simplicity. Do not be complicated. Now, you can give your coffee table a glam by adding a few little items alongside the statement piece. These items may be arts or antiques that mean a lot to you. Rather, a mini vase or other stylish decorative items if you are a thrift lover. Remember you do not need to be bulky to look glammed.

5. Add Scented Candles

How to decorate a coffee table

You can be intimate with your space if it smells you. It sure feels good when one steps into your living room and says this is your space. The impression! Well, decorating your coffee table with scented candles or even a diffuser gives you a romantic feeling when relaxing in the evening after a bustling day. These candles though small with a tiny light depict charm, elegance and rest.

6. A Touch Of Greenery

How to decorate a coffee table

The presence of greenery on your coffee table portrays life. However, a little pot bearing your most connected green plant is sure not a bad idea. Pick up green plants of your choice and get them planted right on your table. As you water it and it blossoms daily, it sure gives you hope for hard work and growth. Hey! Decorate your coffee table with a touch of life.

7. Light Up Your Coffee Table

Lamp stand by a coffee table

Do you know that romantic line, you light up my world? This is the impression lightning gives to your coffee table. At least, all the décor will not be complete if there isn’t light. Well getting this done might be herculean because most space has been used up. This is more reason why you should be picky and direct with lights. Note that if you must read on that table, you need light. Get a table lamp to suit your sense of style and class.


Decorating a coffee table is unique to each individual since our sense of taste, style and choices differ. However, in deciding on how to decorate your coffee table, seek comfort, and class and let it depict your style.