Now more than ever, a lot of people are talking about the importance of reading self-help books. And here we are adding to the number by suggesting self help books to read this new year. A while ago, I used to think that these books are just “motivational hypes” without much impact. But after reading some of them, I decided I was going to read even more this year. If you are here, I am pretty sure you have also discovered the value of self-improvement books and you are looking for suggestions on self-help books that actually help.
Truth be told, there are books that are branded as self-help, but they offer readers little to no help. Hence, we were very deliberate with selecting the books here so that you spend your time reading only books that actually add value to you. Some of the books here are from my booklist and I have either read or plan to read them this year. So, let’s go on this journey of self-improvement together.
Life-Changing Self Help Books To Read This New Year
In a fast-moving world like ours, it is important to be self-conscious and intentional so that you do not get lost in the traffic of endless happenings. These books will help you build your mind, develop good habits and manage your relationships better.
1. Atomic Habits by James Clear

If you come in contact with life coaches and motivational speakers often (almost everyone does these days), you have probably heard about this book a thousand and one times. So, why is everyone recommending this book and why is it among our self help books to read this new year?
With a 4.8-star review on good reads, Atomic Habits is a #1 New York Times bestseller. People who have read the book say that the author provides practicable guides on how to kill bad habits and form good ones “one atom at a time”. Since habit makes a man, you should add this to your books to read in 2023 just as I have.
2. Bring Out The Magic In Your Mind by Al Koran

In this book, the British mentalist teaches how you can become a better person by discovering the power of your mind. I particularly love books that are centred on the mind because it serves as the control unit of man. Hence, once you have mastered how it works, your self-improvement journey will become easier.
In this book, Al Koran emphasizes some key techniques like believing, visualizing, meditating and observing. Its 4.5-star rating on Amazon and 4.8 on Scribd indicates that some people consider it a good book as much as I do.
3. The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When To Quit (and When To Stick Around) by Seth Godin

People say quitters are losers, but Godin Seth says not always. The Dip is a short and insightful book for anyone who finds himself at crossroads. It has helped me too. Hence if you are unsure whether or not to quit, add this to the self help books to read this new year.
In this book, the best-selling author proves that winners are quitters who know how and when to quit and when to stick around. The book has a 4.4-star review on Amazon from over three thousand buyers.
4. The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson

From its title, the book is intriguing, but the intrigue does not end there. The author manages to hold his reader’s attention throughout the book.
Similarly, the unconventional use of a swear word in the title may have attracted readers, but the 4.6-star review from over eighty-five thousand people on amazon proves the value of the book.
In this book, Manson does not hold back as he explains how to balance life and focus on the things that matter the most.
5. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

Books that are most relatable are those written based on personal experience and this is what Brené does here. This makes it one of the best self help books to read this new year.
Also, in a world where everybody is teaching you to be strong, the author dares you to be vulnerable and put yourself out there.
The 4.8 stars on Amazon and 4.3 stars on Goodreads are proof that many people agree with her thoughts and you may too. So, if working on your vulnerability is something you want to do this year, this book is a good starter.
Make the new year count with these extra lifestyle hacks and tips
6. 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin

Now that mental health has become a daily gospel, mental strength is a necessary lecture. Amy Morin delivers this in her 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.
The licensed social worker and psychotherapist teach how you can remain a happy person through the inevitable adversities and struggles of life. Over six thousand people gave the book a 4.6-star rating on Amazon.
Hence, it is one of the books to look forward to in the new year.
7. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

This book gives a different view on power and leadership hence, it is contended by some. Nonetheless, it is one of the self help books to read this new year if you want to learn more about power. The author breaks down the principles of power using historical examples.
Also, he does not base his teaching on morality. Additionally, Greene not only teaches how to use power to your advantage but also how to protect yourself from being exploited by power-hungry people. The book has a 4.2-star rating on Goodreads.
8. Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

When it comes to books that push you to become the best version of yourself, Tony Robbins’ books holds a good position. In this one, he teaches you how to be in absolute control of your life and destiny.
Hence, by the time you finish reading, you will become a master of your mind, body, emotions and finances. This book has 4.2- and 4.6-star ratings on Goodreads and Amazon respectively.
9. Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant

Handling grief is not a common area of focus for many self-help authors. However, Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant deemed it fit to address this area in this book. We also think it is one of the important self help books to read this new year, especially for those who have lost loved ones.
The book is a product of Sandberg’s grief and Grant’s advice to her. Hence, the book offers everything it promises in the title. This has earned it a 4.5-star rating on amazon and a 3.8-star rating on Goodreads.
10. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Do you want to win friends and influence people literally? Then you should add this to your self help books to read in 2023.
Some readers admit that they found the title a little off at first, but were amazed that the author delivered exactly what he promised. This earned the book a 4.2-star rating on Goodreads and a 4.7-star rating on Amazon.
11. Beyond Mars and Venus by John Gray

Self-help books are not complete without books on relationships. Relationships are an important part of our lives. Hence, if we are working on becoming better people, our relationships should not be left out.
In this book, John Gray provides the keys to a healthy relationship in modern times. Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus is the mainstay of this book and you can begin with that if you like. The book has a 4.6- star rating on amazon and a 3.9-star rating on Goodreads.
Final Words
You cannot get it all right at a time, but you can improve your life one book at a time. So, you can randomly pick one of these self help books to read this new year. Before you know it, you would be on the path to a better financial, emotional, mental and love life.
Kindly let us know which of these books you will be reading first and which is your best read in the comment section below.