How to convert your visitors visa to work permit

Whether travelling for work, pleasure, or family vacations, getting a visitor visa is sometimes the first step towards discovering a new nation. But if your situation changes, knowing how to convert your visitors visa to work permit could mean new and exciting opportunities for a longer and more meaningful stay.

While making this change may appear difficult, it is possible to make the conversion from a visitor’s visa to a work permit a simple and successful undertaking if you have the necessary information and comprehension of the procedure. We will go over the crucial actions and things to think about in this article, giving you a road map to transforming your short-term visit into an important professional experience.

Steps on How to Convert Your Visitors Visa to Work Permit

Step 1: Get a Visitor Visa

It only makes sense to have the visa already and to have been to your intended nation, if not to have already, before discussing switching from a visitor visa to a work permit. A Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) or just a tourist visa are other common names for a visitor visa. It permits people to travel temporarily to nations like Canada for purposes like business, tourism, or family visits.

Application Process for Visitor Visa

  • Ascertain Eligibility: Before applying, make sure you meet the requirements for a visitor visa.
  • Fill Out the Application: Get the application form from the official website of the country, or go to the nearest visa application centre. Complete and accurately fill out the form.
  • Assemble the Necessary Documents: Assemble all the documents required for the application. They could consist of:
    • Passport-sized photos.
    • Passport: Must be valid for the duration of your intended stay.
    • Proof of funds: Bank statements or a letter of financial support.
    • Proof of accommodation: Hotel reservation or a letter of invitation from a host in Canada.
    • Purpose of visit: A letter explaining why you are visiting and your ties to your home country.
    • Proof of travel arrangements: Flight itinerary or round-trip tickets.
  • Establish an Online Account: Register for an account on the official website of the nation. This is the location where you may apply and get updates.
  • Application Fee: Online payment of the necessary visa application fee is required. Depending on the country, fees could vary.
  • Send Your Application: Complete the application and attach all necessary files to your online account.
  • Biometric Data: At a designated Visa Application Centre, you might be required to provide biometric data, such as a photo and your fingerprints, according to your nationality.
  • Decision and Passport Submission: You will receive a notification via your online account as soon as a decision is made. You will have to turn in your passport in order to get the visa stamp if you are granted.

Step 2: Find a Job

Finding employment is a crucial next step in how to convert your visitors visa to work permit. Try to find employment as soon as you get here with a company that will sponsor your work permit. Before attempting to convert your visitor visa to a work permit, you may need to stay in the country for a while.

This is obtainable in the United States. Taking action too soon could put you at risk because it could be assumed that you were lying. Always keep deadlines and time limits like these in mind based on the nation you are in so that you don’t take action too late or too early.

  • Understand Work Permit Procedures: Become acquainted with the procedures for obtaining a work permit in the foreign nation you visited. The requirements and processes for acquiring a work visa vary per nation.
  • Occupational Skills Assessment: Evaluate your credentials and abilities in light of national employment market demands. Certain talent shortages exist in some nations, and companies might be more inclined to support those who possess those skills.
  • Make Your Cover Letter and Resume Unique: Make sure that your cover letter and CV reflect how your expertise and skills meet the needs of the employer and the job market in the nation you’re applying to.
  • Online Jo Portals: Look for positions that fit your qualifications and experience by visiting corporate websites and worldwide employment platforms. A lot of companies actively seek out people from other countries, and if they meet the requirements, they might even sponsor work permits.
  • Specialised Recruitment Agencies: Collaborate with recruitment firms that focus on placing candidates abroad. These organisations can put you in touch with companies looking for foreign talent and frequently have experience negotiating immigration procedures.

Step 3: Apply for Your Work Permit

Usually, both you and your employer are involved in this application procedure. This is an essential step in how to convert your visitors visa to work permit. It’s possible that your company may need to start the process and you’ll have to complete it later.

  • Employment Offer: A formal employment offer is given to you by the business. Details like the position title, duties, pay scale, and other employment conditions are typically included in this offer.
  • Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Its Equivalent: The employer might be required to obtain from the appropriate government authority a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or a comparable document, depending on the jurisdiction. This evaluation aims to prove that employing a foreign worker won’t have a detrimental effect on the local labour market.
  • Employer Files Work Permit Application: The work permit application is filed by the employer. This could entail giving the immigration authorities the employment offer, the LMIA or its equivalent, and any other necessary paperwork.
  • Get Job Offer Confirmation: If your application is accepted, your employer may send you a job offer confirmation. You may need this information to apply for a visa on your own.
  • Employee Requests Permission to Work: You, the employee, will have to file your own work permit application once the employer’s portion is finished. Usually, this entails supplying identification documents, certification of credentials, and any further supporting documentation requested by the immigration authorities.

Step 4: Wait for Approval

You will have to wait for the government to accept your work permit after the forms are filed. It’s critical that you keep your legal status intact while you await clearance. Don’t do anything that your guest visa prohibits you from doing. That is how to convert your visitors visa to work permit without breaking the rules. Only after your work permit is approved can you begin working.

Nonetheless, other nations—like Canada—offer the ability to work temporarily. You can continue working while your visa conversion is being processed thanks to this authorization. Therefore, since the immigration office takes a while to complete your visa, you can begin working as soon as you receive an employer-specific job offer. But you also have to apply for an interim work authorization, which could take some time. albeit less time-consuming than the processing of your visa.

Things a Visitors Visa Allows You to Do

  • You can go to famous sites and tourist attractions. You can also investigate the history and culture of the nation.
  • You can travel on a visitor visa if you want to see friends and family who live here.
  • This kind of visa can also be used for attending business meetings, conferences, or seminars.
  • A visitor visa is helpful when going for medical care or consultations.
  • It can be used for workshops or short-term educational courses.
  • This is the visa you should apply for if you have ceremonies, family gatherings, or weddings to attend.
  • It’s possible that you’ll be permitted to take part in sports or leisure activities (but not as a professional athlete).

What You Cannot Do with a Visitors Visa

  • With a visitors visa, you are not permitted to work in any capacity, whether temporary, part-time, or full-time employment.
  • A long-term educational programme is also unavailable to you if you do not have the necessary student visa.
  • The validity of a guest visa is brief. As such, you are unable to use it to start or operate a business.
  • Using a visitor’s visa will prevent you from receiving government help or public cash.
  • It is not possible to set up a permanent residence within the country.

Benefits of a Work Visa

There are several advantages to a work visa that are not available to visitors. Therefore, in addition to understanding how to convert your visitors visa to work permit, here are a few advantages you should be aware of.

Legal Permission to Work: The main advantage of a work visa is that it gives you permission to legally work in the nation. As a result, people can take advantage of job possibilities without breaking any immigration regulations.

Path to Permanent Residency: In certain circumstances, getting citizenship or permanent residency in the host nation can be accomplished with the help of a work visa. Skilled professionals can move from temporary work visas to permanent residency through a number of different nations.

Access to Social and Employment Benefits: People with work visas may be qualified for specific social benefits and employment-related advantages, such as health insurance, retirement benefits, and other employee benefits, depending on the nation in which they are employed.

Ability to Bring Dependents: People with certain work visas are able to bring their spouses and kids to live with them in the host nation. This can strengthen family ties and give dependents a secure environment.

Career Development possibilities: Having a work visa frequently makes it possible for people to take advantage of possibilities for professional growth, which can lead to experience gains, skill improvements, and even career advancement.

Access to Educational Possibilities: Individuals with work visas may be able to take advantage of educational possibilities, such as continuing their education or earning new certificates that will improve their professional credentials.


Transitioning from a visitor visa to a work permit signifies a momentous change, marking the passage from discovery to participation in a foreign country. You may handle this change with confidence if you carefully follow the instructions on how to convert your visitors visa to work permit, comprehend the requirements, and comply with the host nation’s immigration laws.

Remember that certain nations can have additional requirements not listed here. Therefore, it is wise to seek professional advice before making such a significant decision. Transforming your visiting visa into a work permit promotes personal and professional development by providing more access to the local culture and opening doors to professional prospects.