As more and more people try to travel to Canada from various parts of the world for different reasons, the country is seeking new ways to welcome skilled individuals. These new ways to travel to Canada, designed to meet the evolving needs of applicants and the country, offer new opportunities to explore the Great White North as you wish. Entry into the country without an immigration visa to Canada is not possible. Therefore, these different pathways offer various types of visas that allow you to enter the country.

1. Express Entry System

The Express Entry system is a points-based system designed to select candidates for three key economic immigration programs:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP): For workers with foreign work experience.
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP): For skilled trades workers.
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC): For those with Canadian work experience.

Your eligibility is assessed based on factors such as age, education, work experience, and language proficiency. If you score high enough, you receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence. It’s like a competition, but the prize is a new life in Canada.

To get started, create an Express Entry profile online. Once you’re in the pool, you are assigned a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score based on your profile information. The government conducts regular draws, selecting candidates with the highest CRS scores. If you are among them, you will receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence. Note that your Express Entry profile is valid for one year. If you do not receive an ITA within that time, you can update and re-enter the pool.

2. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

Think of the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) as a menu of immigration options. Each province and territory has its own PNP, offering tailored immigration streams to address local needs. In these new ways to travel to Canada, you apply directly to the province or territory, and if you are nominated, you can then apply for permanent residence to the federal government. Notably, Quebec is the only province in Canada that does not conduct a PNP. It has its own program, which we will look at shortly.

However, many provinces have streams linked to the federal Express Entry system. If you are nominated through an Express Entry-linked stream, this significantly boosts your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score, thus increasing your chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence. Additionally, some PNPs require a job offer from a local employer, while others may consider factors like previous work or study in the province. Some provinces also have specific streams for entrepreneurs and investors, inviting individuals who plan to start or invest in businesses within their borders.

3. Family Sponsorship

If you have close family members who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, they can sponsor you to come and join them. This is Canada’s way of recognizing the importance of family reunification. Family sponsorship is available for various relationships, including:

  • Spouses and Common-Law Partners: Married couples or those living in a common-law relationship.
  • Parents and Grandparents: Canadian citizens or permanent residents can sponsor their parents or grandparents.
  • Dependent Children: Parents can sponsor their dependent children.

To be a sponsor, you must be at least 18 years old, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and able to provide financial support to your family members. This means you must meet specific income requirements to ensure you can provide for the basic needs of the sponsored family members. This ensures that new residents have the means to settle and integrate into Canadian society. Additionally, sponsors sign a legal agreement called an undertaking, committing to support their sponsored family members for a certain period. This includes financial support for essential needs like food, shelter, and clothing.

Typically, the sponsor begins the family sponsorship process by submitting a sponsorship application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). At the same time, the sponsored family member applies for permanent residence.

4. Work Visa

The LMIA Work Visa is one of the new ways to travel to Canada for work when a Canadian employer wants to hire a foreign worker. The employer must obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to prove that hiring you will not negatively impact the job market for Canadians. This means there is a need to hire a foreign worker because no Canadian worker is available for the position. After obtaining this, you can apply for a work visa.

To apply for an LMIA Work Visa, you need a valid job offer from a Canadian employer who has obtained an LMIA. Your eligibility is linked to the specific requirements outlined in the LMIA granted to your employer. This includes details about the job position, wages, and working conditions.

Typically, the Canadian employer starts the LMIA application process through Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). They must demonstrate efforts to hire locally before considering a foreign worker. In some cases, LMIA recipients may be eligible for an open work permit, allowing them to work for any Canadian employer.

5. Entrepreneur Visa Program

Entrepreneurs with a promising business idea and support from a designated organization can apply for this visa. If your business takes off and creates jobs, you can stay and enjoy the fruits of your labor. To be eligible for the Entrepreneur Visa Program, you must have a qualifying business idea, secure support from a designated Canadian organization (angel investor group, venture capital fund, or business incubator), and meet specific language and education requirements.

The designated organizations play a crucial role in the program. They assess the viability of your business idea and, if convinced, provide you with a letter of support. This makes you eligible to apply for the Start-Up Visa. However, your business idea must be innovative, have the potential for high growth, and positively contribute to the Canadian economy. It’s like convincing Canada that your business is not just any business but one that will have a significant impact.

6. Refugee and Asylum Programs

A refugee is someone who has fled their country and is recognized as needing protection. An asylum seeker is someone seeking refuge but has not yet been granted official refugee status. The refugee and asylum programs aim to provide protection and support to individuals seeking refuge for humanitarian reasons. So, if you decide to escape persecution, war, or serious risk from your country, these programs offer a haven in Canada.

Similarly, convention refugees are individuals outside their country who fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Also, individuals already in Canada who fear persecution if they return to their country can apply for protected person status.

Both the Government-Assisted Refugee Program and the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program provide support to those in need through these new ways to travel to Canada for safety. Asylum seekers can apply upon arrival at a port of entry or within Canada. They undergo a process to determine if they meet the criteria for refugee status. If granted refugee status, they can apply for permanent residence in Canada. However, individuals who do not meet the criteria as refugees but face equally serious risk may be eligible for Temporary Residence Permits, allowing them to stay temporarily in Canada.

7. Canadian Investor Immigration

Canadian Investor Immigration is for those who want to invest their way into Canada. By making a significant investment in Canadian businesses, you can qualify for permanent residence. These programs aim to attract individuals with the capacity and intent to make impactful investments. There are two investor programs:

  • Federal Investor Program
  • Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP)

The federal investor program was terminated in 2014, but the QIIP continues to operate. Both typically have similar requirements – applicants must have management experience, high net worth, and make a prescribed investment.

8. Quebec Immigration Programs

Since Quebec is a province with its own immigration rules, it offers its own immigration programs. These programs are designed to attract skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and individuals with specific skills to contribute to the province’s economic and cultural wealth. These programs include:

Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP)

The QSWP is for skilled workers who intend to settle and work in Quebec. It operates on a points-based system, evaluating factors such as education, work experience, age, language proficiency, and family in Quebec. Applicants must create an online profile and submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). The highest-scoring candidates receive an invitation to apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ). After receiving a CSQ, applicants apply for permanent residence to the federal government.

Quebec Experience Program (PEQ)

The PEQ is designed for individuals with work or study experience in Quebec. It has two streams: one for foreign workers and one for international students. To be eligible, applicants must demonstrate their intention to settle in Quebec, have legal status, and meet specific language proficiency requirements. Successful applicants receive a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) and can apply for permanent residence faster than through other new ways to travel to Canada.

Quebec Entrepreneur and Investor Programs

Entrepreneurs with the ambition to start or acquire a business in Quebec can apply through either of these programs. The Quebec Entrepreneur and Quebec Investor programs are two distinct but similar programs. Both are open to individuals with management experience, legally acquired high net worth, and a plan to invest and operate a business in Quebec. Both processes involve submitting a business project, undergoing an interview, and obtaining a CSQ if selected.

Temporary Foreign Worker Program

This program allows Quebec employers to hire temporary foreign workers for specific job positions facing labour shortages. However, employers must demonstrate efforts to hire local workers and obtain authorization from the Quebec government to hire foreign workers. Foreign workers then receive a Quebec Acceptance Certificate and work permit to work legally in the province.

9. Caregiver Program

If you have worked as a caregiver, taking care of children, the elderly, or people with medical needs, you can apply for permanent residence. This program is important for families needing support and caregivers seeking employment opportunities and permanent residence in Canada. The Caregiver Program is one of the easiest ways to move to Canada and has two main categories:

  • Home Child Care Provider: For caregivers providing child care in private homes.
  • Home Support Worker: This is for caregivers providing care for the elderly, persons with disabilities, or those with high medical needs.

To qualify, you must have a valid job offer in one of these categories, meet language proficiency requirements, and have at least one year of relevant work experience. The application process involves securing a job offer from a Canadian employer, obtaining a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), and applying for a work permit.

10. Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP)

This program is for individuals who want to move to one of Canada’s Atlantic provinces (Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, or New Brunswick). It offers a pathway to permanent residence for skilled workers and international graduates who want to settle in one of these provinces. The AIPP consists of three categories:

  • Atlantic High-Skilled Program (AHSP)
  • Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program (AISP)
  • Atlantic International Graduate Program (AIGP)

To qualify, you must have a valid job offer from a designated employer in one of the Atlantic provinces, meet specific education and language requirements, and demonstrate the intention to live in the province.

In conclusion,

These 10 new ways to travel to Canada offer a variety of pathways for individuals seeking to start a new life in Canada. Each program has its own set of eligibility criteria, application processes, and unique benefits, so it’s essential to thoroughly research and determine the most suitable pathway for your specific situation and goals. With these diverse options, Canada continues to welcome skilled workers, entrepreneurs, caregivers, and families from around the world, contributing to its multicultural and dynamic society.