Finnish immigration permits for migrants

Finland, renowned for its pristine natural beauty, progressive society, and robust economy, attracts individuals from across the globe seeking new opportunities and experiences. However, the path to residency in this Nordic gem often involves understanding the intricacies of various visa and Finnish immigration permits for migrants. Each visa and permit type is tailored to different purposes of living and working in Finland for immigrants. Whether you’re a prospective student, skilled professional, entrepreneur, or asylum seeker, there is a travel means for you. This guide aims to demystify all of them, empowering you to make informed decisions and embark on your journey to Finland with confidence.

Understanding Finnish Visas for Migrants

Finland grants a few visas that allow you to stay in the country for a short period of time. For more extended stays, you will typically require a residence permit.

National Visa (D Visa)

The National Visa, also known as the D Visa, is a long-stay visa that allows individuals to enter and stay in Finland for longer than 90 days within a 180-day period. Typically, it is for reasons such as employment, studies, family reunions, or other specific purposes.

Duration and Validity

The National Visa allows you to stay in Finland for longer than 90 days within a 180-day period, depending on the specific purpose of your stay. However, once in Finland, you may need to apply for Finnish immigration permits for migrants to extend your stay beyond the validity of the visa.

Schengen Visa

The Schengen Visa is a short-term visa that allows travellers to enter and stay in the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. Finland is part of the Schengen Area, which is a group of European countries that have abolished internal border controls. But, if you’re from a country outside the EU/EEA (European Union/European Economic Area) or Switzerland, you may need a Schengen visa to enter Finland for short stays. The visa is intended for purposes such as tourism, visiting friends and family, business trips, or attending conferences or events.


There’s a non-refundable visa application fee that you must pay when submitting your application. The fee varies depending on your age, nationality, and other factors.

Duration and Validity

The Schengen Visa allows you to stay in Finland and other Schengen countries for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. The visa is typically valid for a short period, usually covering the dates of your intended travel.

Seasonal Work Visa

The Seasonal Work Visa is for individuals who wish to come to Finland temporarily to work in seasonal industries such as agriculture, forestry, tourism, or hospitality. The purpose of the Seasonal Work Visa is to address temporary labour shortages in specific sectors during peak seasons.

Duration and Validity

The Seasonal Work Visa is typically valid for the duration of your employment contract. Or the duration of the seasonal work period, whichever is shorter. It allows you to stay and work in Finland temporarily for the specified job and employer.

Understanding Finnish Immigration Permits for Migrants

There are different types of residence permits in Finland depending on your purpose of visit or stay.

Residence Permit for Work

This permit is for individuals who wish to move to Finland for employment purposes. Applying for a Finnish work permit allows you to live and work in Finland legally for the duration of your employment contract. The purpose of this permit is to enable employers in Finland to hire skilled workers from outside the EU/EEA area when suitable local candidates are not available.

Duration and Renewal

The Residence Permit for Work is typically valid for the duration of your employment contract, up to a maximum of four years. You can renew the permit if you continue to meet the eligibility criteria and your employment situation remains unchanged.

Residence Permit for Study

The Residence Permit for Study allows individuals to move to Finland for educational purposes. It enables you to study at a Finnish educational institution, such as a university, university of applied sciences, or vocational school. The purpose of this permit is to facilitate international students’ access to quality education in Finland.

Duration and Renewal

The Residence Permit for Study is typically valid for the duration of your study program. You can renew the permit if you continue to meet the eligibility criteria and remain enrolled in a recognized educational institution.

Residence Permit for Family Members

These Finnish immigration permits for migrants allow family members of Finnish citizens or permanent residents to join them in Finland. The purpose of this permit is to facilitate family reunification and enable family members to live together in Finland.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this permit, you must be a family member of a Finnish citizen or permanent resident. This could be a spouse, registered partner, unmarried partner, child under 18 years of age, or dependent relative.

Duration and Renewal

The Residence Permit for Family Members is typically granted for the same duration as the Finnish citizen’s or permanent resident’s permit. You can renew the permit if you continue to meet the eligibility criteria and maintain your family relationship.

Entrepreneur Residence Permit

This permit is for individuals who wish to start a business or become self-employed in Finland. It allows entrepreneurs to reside in Finland for the purpose of establishing and operating their business ventures. It aims to encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic growth in Finland by attracting talented individuals with entrepreneurial ambitions from around the world.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Entrepreneur Residence Permit, applicants typically need to meet the following criteria:

  • Viable Business Plan: Applicants must have a well-thought-out and viable business plan outlining their proposed business venture in Finland. The business plan should include details such as the nature of the business, target market, financial projections, and investment plans.
  • Financial Resources: Applicants must demonstrate sufficient financial resources to support themselves and their business activities in Finland. The amount of funds required may vary depending on factors such as the nature of the business and living expenses in Finland.
  • Relevant Experience: While not always mandatory, having relevant experience or expertise in the proposed business field can strengthen the application.

Duration and Renewal

If granted, the Entrepreneur Residence Permit typically allows you to reside in Finland for an initial period, usually one year. During this time, you can establish and operate your business. After the initial period, you can renew the permit if you continue to meet the eligibility criteria. You will also need to demonstrate the success and viability of your business venture.

Asylum or Refugee Status

These Finnish immigration permits for migrants are granted to individuals who are fleeing persecution, conflict, or violence in their home countries and seeking protection in Finland. It allows them to stay in Finland legally and access various rights and services. The purpose of granting asylum or refugee status is to provide protection and humanitarian assistance to individuals who are unable or unwilling to return to their home countries due to well-founded fears of persecution or serious harm.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for asylum or refugee status in Finland, individuals must meet the criteria set out in international refugee law and Finnish immigration regulations. These criteria generally include:

  • Well-founded Fear: Applicants must demonstrate a well-founded fear of persecution based on factors such as race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.
  • Individual Assessment: Each asylum application is assessed individually to determine the applicant’s eligibility for refugee status. This assessment considers the circumstances and evidence presented by the applicant to support their claim.
  • Exclusion Grounds: Certain individuals may be excluded from refugee status if they have committed serious crimes, or pose a threat to national security. Also, if they have engaged in activities that are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Rights and Responsibilities

Individuals granted asylum or refugee status in Finland are entitled to various rights and protections. Some are; access to education, healthcare, employment, and social services. They also have certain responsibilities, such as obeying Finnish laws and regulations and respecting the rights of others.

Integration Support

Finland provides integration support services to help asylum seekers and refugees adjust to life in Finland and become active members of society. These services may include language courses, cultural orientation programs, vocational training, job placement assistance, and social support services.

Duration and Renewal

Asylum or refugee status is typically granted for an initial period, after which individuals may be eligible to apply for an extension, or permanent residence permit if their circumstances warrant continued protection in Finland. The duration and renewal process may vary depending on individual cases and changes in the situation in the individual’s home country.

EU Blue Card

The EU Blue Card is another of the Finnish immigration permits for migrants or any non-EU/EEA worker who considers migrating to Finland as a skilled worker to work and live there. The purpose of the EU Blue Card is to attract skilled professionals from outside the EU/EEA area to fill high-demand jobs in Finland.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the EU Blue Card, you must have a higher education degree (such as a bachelor’s or equivalent). You also need a job offer in Finland that meets certain salary and skill level requirements.

Duration and Renewal

The EU Blue Card is typically valid for a maximum duration of four years. You can renew the permit if you continue to meet the eligibility criteria and remain employed in a high-demand occupation.

General Finland Visa Requirements for Foreigners

The general visa requirements for foreigners intending to visit Finland vary depending on the purpose of their visit and their nationality. However, here are the typical requirements:

  • Valid Passport: Your passport must be valid for at least three months beyond your intended stay in Finland. It should also have at least two blank pages for visa stamps.
  • Visa Application Form: You need to complete and sign the appropriate visa application form accurately. This form is usually available online or from the Finnish consulate or embassy in your country.
  • Passport-Sized Photos: You’ll need recent passport-sized photographs meeting specific size and format requirements. Typically, these are coloured photos taken against a light background.
  • Purpose of Visit Documentation: Whether you are applying for a visa or Finnish immigration permits for migrants, you may need additional documentation to state your reason for visiting.
  • Proof of Financial Means: You must demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay in Finland. This could include bank statements, traveller’s checks, or a letter of financial support from a sponsor.
  • Travel Insurance: It’s mandatory to have travel insurance covering medical expenses and repatriation for the duration of your stay in Finland. The insurance should have a minimum coverage amount as per Schengen regulations (€30,000).
  • Biometric Data: Depending on your nationality and the specific visa type, you may need to provide biometric data (fingerprints, photograph) as part of the application process.
  • Application Fee: You’ll be required to pay a non-refundable visa application fee. The fee amount varies depending on the type of visa and your nationality.
  • Health Certificate (if applicable): Some visa types may require a health certificate or vaccination record, particularly if you’re staying for an extended period or participating in specific activities.

Final Words

Embarking on a journey to Finland entails navigating a maze of visa and permit requirements. Each requirement is tailored to specific circumstances and aspirations. From the bustling streets of Helsinki to the tranquil landscapes of Lapland, Finland offers a wealth of opportunities for migrants seeking to build a new life in it. By understanding the intricacies of visas and Finnish immigration permits for migrants, migrants can embark on their journey with confidence, knowing they have the necessary tools to navigate the immigration process successfully.