remote interior designer jobs in Canada

Interior designing is one of those jobs that seems to need your on-site presence for nearly every role. However, the 2020 pandemic made us realize that many jobs we thought could only be done on-site can also be done remotely. So now, there are several remote interior designer jobs in Canada and other countries. Moreover, the growing demand for online design services has also further encouraged the availability of remote interior design jobs.

This article will reveal some of the interior design jobs available and their salary. It is important to note that some of the job descriptions shared here may vary depending on the company.

Remote Interior Designer Jobs in Canada

1. Virtual Home Stager ($50 to $500 or more per staged property)

A Virtual Home Stager in Canada is responsible for enhancing the visual appeal of properties that are listed for sale, primarily through digital means. An on-site homestager will need to visit properties to stage them. A virtual home stager uses digital technology to do the staging. Also, virtual home staging eliminates the cost of renting or purchasing furniture for home staging. This makes it one of the most cost-effective remote interior designer jobs in Canada. Some of the roles of a virtual home stager include:

  • Property Assessment: Review property photos and videos provided by clients or real estate agents to assess the condition, layout, and style of the property.
  • Staging Planning: Create digital staging plans and design concepts, which may include recommendations for furniture placement, decor, and colour schemes.
  • Virtual Staging: Use photo-editing software to digitally stage property photos, adding virtual furniture, decor, and other elements to make the space more attractive to potential buyers.
  • Realism and Aesthetics: Ensure that digitally staged photos look realistic and aesthetically pleasing, maintaining a sense of scale and proportion.
  • Communication: Collaborate with clients or real estate professionals to discuss staging plans, revisions, and feedback.
  • Quality Control: Review and refine digitally staged images to meet client expectations and industry standards.
  • Marketing Support: Provide clients with visually appealing images for online listings and marketing materials

PadStyler, BoxBrownie, MintedSpace, and Stuccco are some of the companies that offer virtual home staging services.

2. Remote Interior Designer ($40,000 to $80,000 per year)

The responsibilities of an interior designer are similar whether remote or on-site. Some of the tasks for these remote interior designer jobs in Canada role are:

  • Client Consultation: Conduct virtual consultations with clients to understand their needs, preferences, and project requirements.
  • Space Planning: Create floor plans and layouts for interior spaces, optimizing functionality and aesthetics.
  • Design Concept Development: Develop design concepts, including colour schemes, materials, furnishings, and decor elements, and present them to clients.
  • Digital Renderings: Create 2D and 3D digital renderings or mood boards to help clients visualize the proposed designs.
  • Product Selection: Research and recommend furniture, lighting, fixtures, and accessories that align with the design concept and budget.
  • Budget Management: Assist clients in setting and managing budgets for their projects, sourcing cost-effective options.
  • Communication: Maintain regular communication with clients, contractors, and suppliers through email, phone calls, video conferences, and virtual presentations.
  • Project Coordination: Oversee the implementation of design projects, including coordinating with contractors and suppliers, even if not physically present on-site.
  • Documentation: Prepare design drawings, specifications, and documentation necessary for project execution.

If you are looking for a remote interior design role, Havenly is a good place to check.

3. Virtual Interior Design Assistant ($30,000 to $50,000 per year)

Virtual Interior Design Assistant in one of the remote interior designer jobs in Canada. This assistant provides remote support to interior designers, helping them manage various aspects of design projects. Key responsibilities include:

  • Client Communication: Liaise with clients through virtual communication channels, such as email, phone calls, and video conferences, to gather project details and updates.
  • Research and Sourcing: Conduct online research to find suitable furniture, decor, materials, and suppliers based on the designer’s specifications and client preferences.
  • Product Selection: Assist in selecting and procuring furnishings, lighting, fixtures, and accessories, considering design concepts and budgets.
  • Documentation: Prepare and maintain project documentation, including design plans, specifications, and records of client communications.
  • Vendor Coordination: Communicate with vendors, contractors, and suppliers to obtain quotes, place orders, and coordinate deliveries.
  • Samples and Swatches: Order and manage samples and swatches for materials, finishes, and textiles to be reviewed and approved by the designer and client.
  • Administrative Tasks: Assist with administrative duties, such as scheduling, billing, and project tracking.
  • Mood Boards: Create digital mood boards and presentations to convey design concepts to clients.
  • Project Support: Provide general support to the interior designer in project management, including project timelines, task tracking, and client follow-up.

As a virtual interior design assistant, you can work with interior design studios or virtual design service providers.

4. Virtual Color Consultant ($50 to $150 per hour)

A Virtual Color Consultant in Canada specializes in helping clients choose paint colours and colour schemes for their interior and exterior spaces through remote consultations. It is one of the most comfortable remote interior designer jobs in Canada. Key responsibilities include:

  • Client Consultations: Conduct virtual consultations with clients, typically via video calls, phone calls, or email exchanges, to understand their preferences, goals, and specific project requirements.
  • Colour Recommendations: Analyze the client’s space, lighting conditions, and existing decor to provide expert recommendations for paint colours, finishes, and colour combinations.
  • Digital Mood Boards: Create digital mood boards or colour palettes to illustrate how recommended colours will work together and in the client’s space.
  • Sample Selection: Advise clients on obtaining paint samples and swatches for testing on their walls and help interpret the results.
  • Communication: Maintain clear and responsive communication with clients throughout the colour selection process, addressing questions and concerns promptly.
  • Documentation: Prepare and share colour recommendations, written reports, and colour specifications for clients to reference.
  • Product Suggestions: Recommend specific paint brands and products based on the selected colour schemes and project needs.
  • Follow-up Support: Offer post-consultation support, answering questions or addressing issues that may arise during the painting process.

A virtual colour consultant can work with paint companies, online interior design platforms, and interior design studios.

5. Remote Interior Design Consultant ($40,000 to $80,000 per year)

A Remote Interior Design Consultant provides interior design expertise, guidance, and recommendations to clients through virtual consultations and remote communication methods. It is one of the remote interior designer jobs in Canada that requires great expertise. The responsibilities of this role include:

  • Virtual Consultations: Conduct virtual design consultations with clients via video calls, phone calls, or email exchanges to understand their needs, preferences, and project goals.
  • Space Assessment: Analyze client-provided photos, videos, and floor plans to assess the existing space and its potential for design improvements.
  • Design Concept Development: Create design concepts, including colour schemes, furniture layouts, material selections, and decor recommendations, tailored to the client’s style and budget.
  • Digital Mood Boards: Develop digital mood boards or design presentations to visually communicate the proposed design ideas to the client.
  • Product Recommendations: Research and suggest furniture, fixtures, lighting, and decor items, often providing links for clients to purchase online.
  • Budget Management: Assist clients in setting and managing their design budget, ensuring that design choices align with financial goals.
  • Documentation: Prepare and share design plans, specifications, and written recommendations with clients for reference.
  • Communication: Maintain clear and responsive communication with clients throughout the design process, addressing questions and concerns promptly.
  • Project Oversight: Oversee the execution of design projects by coordinating with local contractors, suppliers, and clients, even if not physically present on-site.
  • Follow-up Support: Offer post-consultation support to clients, providing guidance and solutions as needed during the implementation of design recommendations.

As a remote interior design consultant, you can work independently or with online interior design platforms.

6. Virtual Interior Decorator ($30,000 to $60,000 per year)

Virtual Interior Decorator is one of the remote interior designer jobs in Canada. It specializes in enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of interior spaces through remote consultations and design recommendations. Key responsibilities include:

  • Virtual Consultations: Conduct virtual design consultations with clients via video calls, phone calls, or email exchanges to understand their style, preferences, and project objectives.
  • Space Assessment: Analyze client-provided photos, videos, and floor plans to assess the existing space, including layout, lighting, and architectural features.
  • Design Concept Development: Create personalized design concepts and mood boards, suggesting colour schemes, furniture arrangements, decor ideas, and style recommendations.
  • Product Selection: Research and recommend furnishings, lighting, accessories, and decorative elements that align with the design concept and client’s budget.
  • Digital Renderings: Generate 2D or 3D digital renderings and visualizations to help clients visualize the proposed design in their space.
  • Budget Management: Assist clients in setting and managing their decoration budget, sourcing cost-effective options for furniture and decor items.
  • Communication: Maintain clear and responsive communication with clients throughout the decoration process, addressing questions and concerns promptly.
  • Product Sourcing: Provide clients with links and information on where to purchase recommended products online.
  • Documentation: Prepare and share design plans, specifications, and written recommendations for clients to reference during the decoration project.
  • Post-Consultation Support: Offer ongoing support to clients during the implementation of design recommendations, addressing issues and providing guidance as needed.

As a virtual interior decorator, you can research online interior design platforms and work with them.

7. Online Interior Design Blogger or Content Creator ($30,000 to six figures annually)

An Online Interior Design Blogger or Content Creator is responsible for creating compelling and educational content that informs, inspires, and entertains audiences interested in interior design and home improvement. This is one of the most common remote interior designer jobs in Canada. The key responsibilities may include:

  • Content Creation: Generate high-quality written articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, and other content focused on interior design trends, decor ideas, DIY projects, and home improvement tips.
  • Research: Stay up-to-date with the latest interior design trends, industry news, and emerging technologies to create relevant and informative content.
  • Visual Content: Create and curate visually appealing content, including images, mood boards, and design inspiration.
  • Multimedia Production: Produce and edit video content, such as tutorials, room tours, and design tips, for platforms like YouTube.
  • SEO Optimization: Optimize content for search engines (SEO) to increase visibility and reach a broader audience.
  • Social Media: Share content on various social media platforms and actively engage with the audience to build a loyal following.
  • Audience Engagement: Respond to comments, questions, and feedback from readers/viewers and foster a sense of community.
  • Collaborations: Collaborate with other interior design bloggers, influencers, brands, and professionals for guest posts, partnerships, or sponsored content.
  • Analytics and Growth: Track and analyze content performance using tools like Google Analytics or social media insights and implement strategies to grow the audience.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure compliance with copyright laws, disclosure regulations, and privacy policies when using images and content.

This job allows you to work by yourself by setting up your own website and brand social media presence. Or, to work as a paid blogger or content creator for other websites.


As with many jobs, remote interior designer jobs in Canada come with the perks of working from anywhere and at your preferred time. It also requires you to have digital devices, software and internet access. Although we have shared a range of salary expectations for the jobs, this can vary largely depending on company, location and even time. Hence, it is important to research independent job roles before taking them on.